We all do good work, and let’s face it, we all want to be praised for it. So let’s do it.
Consider this the proverbial ‘family fridge!’
What’s Your Photo of the Week?
“The Photo of the Week” should show a well-executed construction assembly that will potentially improve the durability and/or performance of the assembly, system or home, or provide the homes’ occupants with a heathier, quieter, or otherwise enhanced living environment.
The photo should illustrate an excellent example of your unique “best practice” standards executed perfectly. With your photo, let us know why it is a best practice and where it was taken.
Share it with us so that we can not only hang it “on the fridge,” but also all learn from it and move this industry forward… one assembly at a time! Consider assemblies or activities across these thirteen systems:
• Safety (during the construction of a home)
• Site (managing site conditions such as runoff water management, materials and refuse)
• Foundations
• Framing
• Thermal Enclosures
• Air Barriers
• Drainage Plane and Flashings
• Wall Claddings
• Showers and Tubs
• Roof Claddings and Drainage
• HVAC Systems
• Plumbing and Electrical
• Interior Finishes
We get very excited about quality, and we’d love to hang your work on our fridge, so submit a photo today of something you are proud of! Photos will be evaluated by IBACOS prior to being posted.
P.S. - Don’t forget to share it with your team as well… Why?
• The trade responsible can use it to share with their field staff to help reinforce the proper execution of the detail.
• It may help to promote competition among different trade partners.
• It can educate your entire staff on what your construction standards are and why you follow them.
• It provides your sales staff with a way to share our unique performance standards with potential customers who were considering your homes vs. your competitors.